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Dance and Literacy: Using Text as Inspiration for Original Movement and Choreography

Alabama Institute for Education in the Arts and Alabama Dance Council are pleased to offer this special workshop for our participating schools and teachers. Come join us for an exciting time and a unique opportunity!

Dance and Literacy:

Using Text as Inspiration for Original Movement and Choreography with Susan McGreevy-Nichols


Susan McGreevy-NicholsWHO: Susan McGreevy-Nichols is the Executive Director of the National Dance Education Organization. Previous to becoming executive director she taught part-time at Loyola Marymount University and was a national consultant on Arts Education. Susan’s consulting work involved coaching districts in Los Angeles County as part of the Arts for All initiative and in Northern California in Alameda County as a part of that county’s initiative Revitalizing Classrooms Through Arts Learning: Strategic Plan. As a teacher at Roger Williams Middle School in Providence, Rhode Island from 1974-2002, Susan founded and developed that institution’s nationally renowned middle school dance program. She is the developer of a cutting edge reading comprehension strategy that uses text as inspiration for original choreography created by children. This literacy-based methodology combines the creative process with reading instruction. Co-author of five books: Building Dances (1995), Building More Dances (2001), Experiencing Dance (2004), Dance about Anything (2006) and Dance Forms and Styles (2010).


WHEN:  FRIDAY, January 22, 2016     9:00-3:30

WHERE:  The Dance Foundation 1715 27th Court South Birmingham, AL 35209

WHY:  This one day hands-on workshop taught by Susan McGreevy-Nichols will guide participants through a teaching methodology that uses reading strategies to identify words and phrases that will then be used as a source of inspiration for original movement and choreography. The arts processes, creating, performing and responding, are carefully used throughout this methodology, enabling the teacher to honor both dance and other discipline content. This way of teaching provides a unique way of integrating dance throughout the curriculum, while affording a way to deepen understanding and assess both dance and non-dance content. Connections will be made to the new National Core Dance Standards.

 FREE   Dress comfortably—you’re going to be working!


Click here to view the flyer (PDF)
