Mickey Lonsdale, is an international award-winning physical theatre actor and dancer. He originally hails from Ramer, Alabama. He began his dance training at Alabama Dance Theatre in Montgomery and has a B.A. in Communication/Theatre at Auburn Montgomery. While in college, he became the emcee, entertaining 7000 fans nightly, for the Montgomery Biscuits. After graduating, Mickey moved to Italy to pursue an M.F.A. in Physical Theatre at the Accademia del’Arte. He received training in Commedia Dell’Arte, Clown, Dance, Choreography, and Acting. During this time, he attended Flic Scoula di Circo, Circus School, where he trained in acrobatics, acro dance, Chinese pole, walking globe, and various other circus skills. While in Europe, he performed with companies such as Familie Floz in Germany, Divaldo Continuo in the Czech Republic, and Red Dot Theatre in Italy and Turkey. After receiving his M.F.A., Mickey moved to the NYC area where has starred in several independent films, commercials, TV shows, and works as a free-lance dancer/choreographer. He became a founding member of Aura Curiatlas Physical Theatre.… Read More »ONLINE LEARNING LESSON with Mickey Lonsdale